你的位置:UNCX Network中文网 > SatoshiVM中文网 > not at all 鍜宯otat all鐨勫尯鍒玙鐧惧害鐭ラ亾
not at all 鍜宯otat all鐨勫尯鍒玙鐧惧害鐭ラ亾
- 发布日期:2025-01-04 10:51 点击次数:63 回答1: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 not at all 鍜宯otat all鐨勫尯鍒槸锛?/strong>not at all 涓€銆佺敤浜庡洖绛旀劅璋?鎰忎负鈥滀笉鐢ㄨ阿锛涗笉瀹㈡皵鈥?濡傦細A锛歍hank you very much锛庡璋綘浜?B锛歂ot at a11锛庝笉瀹㈡皵.A锛歍hanks for helping me锛庤阿璋綘甯姪鎴?B锛歂ot at a11锛嶪 enjoyed it锛庡埆瀹㈡皵,寰堥珮鍏磋兘甯綘.A锛歍hank you very much锛庨潪甯告劅璋綘銆?/p>浜屻€佺敤浜庡洖绛斿甫鏈夋劅璋㈡€ц川鐨勫濂楄瘽.鎰忎负娌′粈涔堬紱鍝噷鍝噷銆傚锛欰锛歒ou are very kind锛庝綘鐪熷ソ.B锛歂ot at all .娌′粈涔?A锛欼t''s very kind of you锛庝綘鐪熷姘?B锛歂ot at a11锛庡摢閲屽摢閲屻€?/p>涓夈€佺敤浜庡洖绛旈亾姝?鎰忎负鈥滄病鍏崇郴鈥?濡傦細A锛欼''m sorry I''m late锛庡涓嶈捣,鎴戣繜鍒颁簡.B锛歄h,not at all,do come in锛庡櫌,娌″叧绯?璇疯繘鏉?A锛欼''m sorry to keep you waiting锛庡涓嶈捣,璁╀綘涔呯瓑浜?B锛歄h,not at a11锛嶪''ve been here only a few minutes锛庡摝,娌″叧绯?鎴戜篃鍒氬埌鍑犲垎閽?鍥涖€佺敤鏉ヨ〃绀哄惁瀹?鏄疦o鐨勫姞寮鸿娉?,鎰忎负鈥滀竴鐐逛篃涓嶏細瀹屽叏涓嶁€?濡傦細A锛欰re you busy?浣犲繖鍚?B锛歂ot at a11锛庝竴鐐逛笉蹇?A锛欼s it difficult to study English?鑻辫闅惧鍚?B锛歂ot at a11锛庝竴鐐逛笉闅俱€?/p>not.at all 鈥?涓€鐐逛篃涓嶁€︹€?鈥?甯哥敤鍦ㄥ惁瀹氬彞涓?鍔犲己璇皵.eg锛歐e don't speak English at all after class.鍦ㄨ涓嬫垜浠牴鏈笉璁茶嫳璇?